Monday, August 2, 2021

Catching Up

 Querido, I am missing you especially. After the Russell reunion week, this time in Stinson Beach, a grand old lodge with fab gardens. Although altogether too much valerian which has run rampant as it is wont to do.  And, their fuchsias have The Mite. Glory be.

I was introverted throughout the week. Loved being there, just couldn’t manage so much commotion after my solitary days in the old farts home. The kids have turned out so very well. Karl made a special toast to me and you. I was heart-struck. Stephanie is careful to look after me, and Amelia manages a lot of the logistics.

Most everyone was terrified by the drive on Hwy 1 from 101 to Stinson Beach. I remember Bruce once urpping on that stretch the morning following party time.

Ordered another climbing rose from Heirloom Roses in Oregon. We had a superlative specimen in the cottage garden at Casa Fuchsia. That would be sufficient roses for the roses — red, yellow, pink. Yay.

Nancy and I are embarking on a canal trip in France in Septembe (COVID exingencies permitting) in September — the same one we did in 2015 — Upper Loire and Western Burgundy. It should be somewhat cooler then.  My no-salt restriction cancels out cheese (YIKES) but … there is (always) wine.

Miss you, love you to the bookstore and back (new motto).

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